For lack of anything more exciting to write about, I'm just going to list off some really nerdy things I've done lately:
The Sound of Music-typed in to Google: "how to type the sound of a wookie" (then watched about 29 clips of wookies on youtube)
-looked up how to hack into a soda vending machine
Shoot I can't think of any more, but I know there have been a ton lately. I'm house-sitting for my parents all week. It's super weird being home alone, I actually can't remember the last time I've stayed at my parent's house when they haven't been here. It's kinda cool though, I've just been hanging out with our chocolate lab and chasing my mom's chickens around the yard.
My parents left me an empty fridge and some grocery money, so I took advantage of that today and bought wine, cheese, pizza, chips, and tequila at the store. The checker thought I was a crazy drunk. I also checked out the movie
The Hurt Locker at the
Redbox. It was pretty good, there was a ton of hype I think from the Academy Awards, but I enjoyed it. After the movie I took a bath and finished a book, and now I'm curled up in bed.
Funny story about the Redbox that MC just reminded me time my sister and I told my mom we were going to the Redbox and she thought we were going to some cool club, not a DVD dispenser that resembles a soda vending machine.
Soooo tomorrow I am planning on tracking down some wildflowers and working on my tan. My mom is redecorating the upstairs of our house, and she hinted that if I had any spare time this week, I could perhaps help her paint all the doors upstairs, so it looks like I'll be doing some painting in my near future.
Ugh sorry my blog has been lame lately, hopefully it will get more exciting this week. (Although that is highly doubtful, so don't hold your breath).