Monday, October 12, 2009

tut tut looks like rain

Heeeey dude I think its going to storm like CRAZY and I'm so excited, been waiting for it to feel like fall for a while. I've been sick for over and week and I just want to be healthy! Finally saw Zombieland last night, it was ridiculously funny/gory, can't wait for Where The Wild Things Are to come out on Friday. Have tons of papers coming up and I'm joining the honors program at UCSB so I have to write a 50 page thesis in the next few months, but I figure if I write a page a day it's possible. Or crazy. We'll see. Found out one of my roommates has been accidentally using my toothbrush for the last week, and I told her if she gets the swine flu from me she probably deserves it for not being able to remember which toothbrush is hers. I'm going to do a vlog soon, so get excited!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Woop de woop

Eughhh still trying to get over the flu, my fever is gone but I have a cough that could shake the acorns off an oak tree. Just ate some delicious pasta though and I'm making some tea to curl up with on the couch. Trying to pick out a movie I want to watch, which just makes me think of all the fabulous flicks that are coming out soon! (Or have already been released and I haven't had a chance to see yet.) Zombieland, Where the Wild Things Are, Boondock Saints II, Sherlock Holmes, The Messenger, AHH and the list goes on. AND somehow I never saw Inglorious Basterds? How did that happen?!

OOoh also I'm super excited for fall, it's gonna be super busy but wooo I like cold weather and wearing scarves and drinking tea and all that fun cold weather stuffffff. Okie dokie more to come sorry I suck at keeping up with this.