Sunday, April 18, 2010

Mr. Clemens

I love Mark Twain, I've been looking for a good biography to read on him. I just found this thing that he wrote that is amazing and it makes me want to seize the day and travel and frolic in a field.

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."

PS here is a picture from when I drove out and saw the wildflowers.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

lace 'em up

Even though American Apparel is exorbitantly priced and anyone who tries to buy something there is instantly labelled either a hipster or a wannabe-hipster, I can't deny that I am attracted to their new lace line. This dress is pure sexxxxxxxxxxx. (Even though I hate it with the white tights/leggings.)

city life

Another reason I want to move to New York? Amazing art exhibits everywhere, like this one, that focuses specifically on NYC. Love this picture of the girls flashing cars on the FDR.
Photo "FDR" by Cass Bird via

Monday, April 12, 2010

day dreaming

I know it probably makes more sense to find a job before I start looking at apartments, but it's so much easier and more fun to browse apartment listings on Craigslist than find jobs to apply for.

I want more than anything to live in an apartment in New York with exposed brick and hardwood floors and tons of light like this place in Brooklyn. Ugh maybe someday.

Friday, April 9, 2010


"Forget safety, live where you fear to live, destroy your reputation, be notorious."

I read this on Rumi's blog, but ironically (or probably not at all) it is accredited to the 13th century Persian philosopher Mawlana Jalal-al-Din Rumi.

Point is, I kinda want to live by this mantra from now on. It's pretty bad-ass.

Also what the heck, it just got SO WINDY. Like, hurricane force gusts. If it was raining, it would be raining sideways.


Ah it's so early, (haha ok it's not that early I guess) but I can't fall back to sleep so I've been getting lost in Vimeo land for like an hour! It's seriously the best place to pass the time. This video is amazing, and I'm sure it took hours of work to construct all the stop-motion figures, but I'm pretty sure the best part are the sound effects. They're perfect!

Skateboardanimation from Tilles Singer on Vimeo.

Also check out this website, it's a crew of taggers from Israel. There is a really sweet video towards the bottom of the page that you should check out.

Ok back to bed for a little while hopefully, then lunch with my grandma and aunt. Woo gonna be a blast!

Monday, April 5, 2010


For lack of anything more exciting to write about, I'm just going to list off some really nerdy things I've done lately:

-watched The Sound of Music

-typed in to Google: "how to type the sound of a wookie" (then watched about 29 clips of wookies on youtube)

-looked up how to hack into a soda vending machine

Shoot I can't think of any more, but I know there have been a ton lately. I'm house-sitting for my parents all week. It's super weird being home alone, I actually can't remember the last time I've stayed at my parent's house when they haven't been here. It's kinda cool though, I've just been hanging out with our chocolate lab and chasing my mom's chickens around the yard.

My parents left me an empty fridge and some grocery money, so I took advantage of that today and bought wine, cheese, pizza, chips, and tequila at the store. The checker thought I was a crazy drunk. I also checked out the movie The Hurt Locker at the Redbox. It was pretty good, there was a ton of hype I think from the Academy Awards, but I enjoyed it. After the movie I took a bath and finished a book, and now I'm curled up in bed.

Funny story about the Redbox that MC just reminded me time my sister and I told my mom we were going to the Redbox and she thought we were going to some cool club, not a DVD dispenser that resembles a soda vending machine.

Soooo tomorrow I am planning on tracking down some wildflowers and working on my tan. My mom is redecorating the upstairs of our house, and she hinted that if I had any spare time this week, I could perhaps help her paint all the doors upstairs, so it looks like I'll be doing some painting in my near future.

Ugh sorry my blog has been lame lately, hopefully it will get more exciting this week. (Although that is highly doubtful, so don't hold your breath).

Thursday, April 1, 2010


For some reason, I have become disenchanted with life. I need to go somewhere exciting or simply be inspired. I am bored, and I feel like nothing here has the ability to spark my imagination. I need to get out, go somewhere big, see something great.

If you have any suggestions, let me know. I'm desperate.