So I failed at taking pictures this weekend, my bad. However, I did have a blast back in good ol' Atown. Ate and drank too much of course, but ended up getting a lot of reading done for school and spent some quality time with the whole fam too. The next two weeks coming up are going to slay me, and sadly when my mom asked me if I was excited for my birthday in two weeks, I told her no, because I know I'm just going to be exhausted from the three papers, two midterms, and huge group presentation I have coming up. Oh well. I'll figure something out to make it exciting.
I'm drinking a glass of wine and reading Joseph Conrad's The Secret Agent right now. I accidently looked up a synopsis of it before I went to class today and kinda spoiled the whole thing for myself, because it turns out that after about five boring chapters at the beginning of the book, things start to get really interesting. (i.e. explosions, murders, love affairs, etc.) Oh well.
Just talked to some friends about going to the Coachella Music Festival in April. It turns out this year you have to buy the whole three day pass instead of just being about to buy single day passes. Sounds kinda overwhelming but kinda worth it. My dad said it might turn into a mini-Woodstock, which I guess could be cool. Anyways looks like we're planning on packing the car up and camping there for the weekend.
On a side note, my bike chain fell off today when I was riding home from class, and of course it made me late for work. I left my bike locked up on campus and walked the rest of the way home because I suck at getting the chain back on and I hate standing on the side of the bike path looking like a loser as everyone rides by. That always sucks.
Oh and the title of my post today reminds me of the above picture. Taken in the MoMA in NYC, featuring the lovely MC and the simple yet brilliant painting by Mr. Edward Ruscha.
1 comment:
Haha I love that picture. YAAAAY Coachella!
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