I was thinking my blog needs some more interesting stuff on it because all text gets kinda boring, so I'm thinking I'm going to try to include a picture or image of some sort into each blog. Gonna have to dust off my scanner because I'm thinking it might be fun to scan in some old pictures or some sketches. Also I want to start including links to cool websites because I'm always stumbling upon cool stuff on the interwebs. Oh also check out my "Listening to" section at the bottom of each post, I've been neglecting it lately but I'm going to try to keep it up!
To start off, here is a blog that is dedicated to sharing what New York is reading! Check it out! I like seeing books I've read and looking at all the different book covers.
Also I thought I'd include a picture that I took precisely a year ago when I was in Barcelona! The weather was so nice and I loved seeing all of Gaudi's architecture. I feel like he was so innovative and creative. (Not to mention the clubs in Barcelona were so fun.) Anyways this is a door from the outside of the Gaudi Apartments. I love the different pieces of glass and how perfectly clean and reflective they are.
Listening to: Cousins by Vampire Weekend (such a great music vid too!)
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